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HH2E AG Advances M&A Process: Indicative Offers Received and Next Phase Set to Begin

By All Portfolio company news & media, HH2E AG
Just three weeks after the launch of the merger & acquisition process (M&A), HH2E AG has received a large number of indicative offers from parties interested in taking it over. This underlines the high level of market interest in the potential of HH2E and confirms the continuous progress of the company's restructuring strategy.
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Cemex kickstarts first-of-a-kind low-carbon hydrogen project using thermal plasma electrolysis in cement production

By All Portfolio company news & media, HiiROC Limited
Cemex Ventures, Cemex’s corporate venture capital (CVC) and open innovation unit, announced today an initial hydrogen deployment at industrial scale with HiiROC, the pioneering British hydrogen company that produces affordable, clean hydrogen, at its Rugby cement plant in the United Kingdom.
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