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Elcogen partners with AVL to develop cutting-edge megawatt scale solid oxide electrolyser stack modules

By All Portfolio company news & media, Elcogen AS
Tallinn, Estonia: Elcogen, a leading European manufacturer of technology that enables delivery of efficient, affordable green hydrogen and emission-free electricity, is pleased to announce a partnership with global technology company AVL List GmbH to develop solid oxide electrolyser cell (“SOEC”) stack modules for MW scale hydrogen production plants. This project brings together the R&D efforts of both partners in their respective IPCEI (“Important Project of Common European Interest”) Hy2Tech programs in Estonia/Finland and Austria.
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Elcogen announces collaboration agreement with the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) to develop advanced SOE technology

By All Portfolio company news & media, Elcogen AS
Tallinn, Estonia: Elcogen, a leading European manufacturer of technology that enables delivery of efficient, affordable green hydrogen and emission-free electricity, is pleased to announce it has recently initiated a collaboration agreement under the Important Projects of Common European Interest scheme (“IPCEI”) with the Dutch Organization for Applied Scientific Research (“TNO”) to develop advanced SOE technology for future market demands.
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Elcogen’s new production facility to expand manufacturing capacity to 360 MW

By All Portfolio company news & media, Elcogen AS
Tallinn, Estonia: Elcogen (“the Company”), the leading European manufacturer of technology that enables delivery of efficient, affordable green hydrogen and emission-free electricity, is pleased to announce the development of a new factory in Tallinn (the “facility”). The new facility will substantially expand the Company’s solid oxide fuel cell and stack (“SOFC”) and solid oxide electrolyser cell and stack (“SOEC”) manufacturing capacity.
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With a strategic investment from Baker Hughes, Elcogen closes its current funding round, raising overall €140m for scaling of its leading solid oxide technology for hydrogen

By All Portfolio company news & media, Elcogen AS
Elcogen (“the Company”), a European manufacturer of technology that enables delivery of efficient, affordable green hydrogen and electricity, is pleased to announce that Baker Hughes has made a strategic investment in the Company.
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Elcogen and Convion celebrate a key development milestone in green hydrogen production technology

By All Portfolio company news & media, Elcogen AS
Tallinn, Estonia: Elcogen (“the Company”), the European manufacturer of technology that enables delivery of efficient, affordable green hydrogen and emission-free electricity, is pleased to announce the successful conclusion of a ground-breaking field test for an industrial scale Solid Oxide electrolyser system delivering green hydrogen at superior efficiency compared to incumbent technologies.
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